All papers will be evaluated by an independent reviewer committee.

Abstract Submission Deadline: 08.08.2023 23:59 (İstanbul Time Zone)

Disclosures for Authors

Authors are responsible for adherence to scientific and ethical rules. Accepted papers will be presented as “oral presentations” or “posters”.

Language and number of words

All papers will be entered into the system by authors in English as full text.  Contributions will be published in electronic form. Contributions should be a minimum of 750 words and a maximum of 2000 words. A maximum of 3 figures, tables, images, etc. can be added to the text of the contribution. A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 references can be attached to the contributions.

Preparation of papers

Structure and format

Unless otherwise specified, all correspondence regarding submitted manuscripts will be with the submitting author. Papers will be submitted in the following categories:

  1. Head and Neck Surgery
  2. Experimental
  3. Skin Cancers
  4. Cleft lip and palate
  5. Hand Surgery; Upper & lower extremity surgery
  6. Aesthetic surgery and non-invasive procedures
  7. Nursing
  8. Cell therapies and regenerative medicine applications
  9. Craniomaxillofacial
  10. Breast reconstruction
  11. Reconstructive microsurgery and allotransplantation
  12. Vascular anomalies
  13. Burns and wound healing
  14. Other

Papers should be grouped under the headings of “Title, Introduction and Aim, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion”.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords should be given in alphabetical order and separated by commas. The keywords should correspond to the terms of the National Library of Medicine’s Medical Subject Headings, MeSH (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html).


The title should be no longer than 20 words.


Authors should be listed according to their contribution to the study. Unless otherwise stated; the first author is considered as the presenter author. Academic title, institution and e-mail address of each author should be provided.

Introduction and Objectives

The introduction and objecive sections should clearly state the topic and significance of the research, its aims, and how it differs from similar studies.

Materials and Methods

This section should indicate the selection of materials included in the study, the criteria for inclusion and exclusion from the study, the time period of the study, ethical approval if required, and the statistical method.


The results obtained in this section should be fully stated and supported by appropriate tables, graphs and figures.

It is not necessary to reproduce all data in the table as text. Highlighting the most important points helps the reader to concentrate better.

Discussion and Conclusion

This section should discuss the data obtained in compmarison with the literature and describe the similar or different aspects of the study. In the last paragraph of the discussion, the scientific conclusion drawn in the light of all the data should be expressed in a few lines.

Tables, Charts and Figures

Graphs, figures, and tables in the text should be numbered with Arabic numerals such as 1, 2, 3. The places where the figures appear in the text should be indicated.

Each figure, image, or graph must be referenced in the text. If images from other sources are used, it is the responsibility of the authors to obtain their permission.

Figures or images should be as high resolution as possible and “in a resolution and format acceptable to the module for full submission”.


Each table should be referenced in the text. If tables are to be taken from other sources, authors must obtain their permission.

Abbreviations and Symbols

Only standard abbreviations should be used, abbreviations in the title should be avoided. Unless there is a standard unit of measurement, the long version of abbreviations should be given in parentheses the first time they are used.


Original and current references should be used. Abstracts presented at congresses should not be used as references. References should be written in the American National Library of Medicine (NLM) notation recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).